Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Fully medicated and ready to go!!!

Before you begin to think that I am a big druggie, let me explain. In November 2005, I had a complete hysterectomy and had to go on Hormone replace therapy. Life was good; no more pain, and no more Aunt Flo. I had to make another appt with the OB/GYN to have a check up to get a refill on my meds. As luck would have it, Libby was sick the day of the appt. and I had the appt. date on my work calendar, so needless to say I missed the appt. The next day I called and explained to the Dr. office what had happened and they told me that their policy was that I would have to wait for 2 months to reschedule my appt. I told them that all I really needed was my meds filled and they said that they could not until I saw the Dr in 2 months. Okay, so by this point I am getting downright pissed and can not believe that these people are really telling me this. To make a long story short, I did not get my medication after several attempts, and even offering to pay for the missed appt. so I found a new Dr. to go see. Of course I had to wait for forever to get in, so I went for over 2 months without my hormones. It has been a really rough road. I would not wish hot flashes on my worst enemy, (okay maybe my worst enemy) but really they are awful. I went to the new Dr. yesterday and now I am good to go. Also, I have been doing Weight Watchers again for the billionth time, and praying to God that I have enough willpower to stick with it. It has been a hard road, but I am hanging on. I will be posting my weight loss journey on different blogs. Thanks for reading this novel.

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